' BASIC Anywhere Machine program by Charlie Veniot
' mod of Wiz3.bas (found in https://qb45.org/download.php?id=1076)
' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2023.]) on 2023.01.15 at 23.50
1 SCREEN 12 
colour = 15
5 angle! = angle! + .1 
6 colour = colour + 1 
if angle! > 360 then _display
7 IF colour > 15 THEN colour = 0 ELSE IF angle! > 360 THEN angle! = angle! - 360 
this_x = INT(SIN(angle!) * angle!) + 320
this_y = INT(COS(angle!) * angle!) + 240
if this_x < _width and this_y < _height and this_x >= 0 and this_y >= 0 then PSET (this_x, this_y), colour